Waiting Well (In A Waiting Season)

Have you ever waited on something that seem to take time to be delivered to you? Whether you’re waiting on a promise from God, your dreams to come to past, or even hope that things will turn out better for your family or even life. Well sis you are not alone because I tell you this has been my life for all of my 27 years of living I am believing and hoping for a couple prayers to be heard in my life as well! But, it’s really about what we do during our waiting season that matters the most! This is what I’ve learn these past couple of years that I believe this will help you on your journey as well! See there’s always 3 parts to the waiting season.

(The Prayer)Beginning-(Waiting)Middle-(Promise)Ending

All three steps are important in the this but, the middle is crucial because that’s where a lot of our development comes from to actually get to the promise of what we’ve prayed for.I like to believe that true freedom doesn’t just come from the promise or that answer prayer but, in the waiting when revelation comes before we obtain the very thing we’ve prayed and hope for.

So your probably wondering how I can relate to you sis on this journey in what my waiting season has looked like in this season. Well i’ll be more than happy to explain more about this! I recently made one of the most nerve-racking but joyous decision of my life, I moved from my small hometown to Atlanta Georgia or as some would call it the Big ATL! Now y’all i always knew I wanted to move from what I new all my life but, I didn’t know it was going to come so soon until, God place it on my heart that I would be moving last year. I admit I was a little nervous to be honest because all I knew was home but, I was excited for this new adventure that I would be walking into! When I first moved here it was actually harder than I pictured it to be in my mind I face a lot of opposition in many different ways I felt way in over my head and I fell into such dark place that I didn’t know how I was going to come out this pit. I even second guest myself if I madethe right decision even wthough I new I could never stay in hometown anymore. I faced an apartment notice a couple months of living here because my bills were behind and I could no longer afford to make payments on time getting job took time. But, God has been no sort of amazing because he has provided in ways I couldn’t explain! After prayer consistently and believing by faith even in my tears ,God eventually open a door for me to have two source of income as well as other assistances.

I say this to say I have been in this middle of my promise from the prayers that I consistently prayed even cried over but, looking back over the short amounts months I’ve been here its been nothing but, testimony the growth and understanding I have grown maturing in my faith towards God even accepting that even though situations may not play out the way I want to in may life he always turns it around for my good and now I can say I truly believe this! To think that it all started with prayer even though God gave me exactly what I prayed for I came out this hardship gaining more knowledge and faith than I did going in. My true blessing was in the middle. So I encourage you sis to really sit even journal and think about how your situation has grown you wether your in the middle (waiting) or in your end (promise) because you never know how this can be transforming YOU.


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