3 Tips on How to Rest in Today

We are constantly in motion, even the earth is always in motion. And so are we, moving at fast pace seems like there’s always something to do somewhere to go. I’m definitely guilty of this and at times, I actually like to keep busy because when i’m not I can feel like I’m being lazy or I’m not doing enough in a day. It wasn’t until I came into a season of change. Moving to a whole new state that I had no choice but to be still. It force me into a place where because I didn’t know anyone I had more time to spend with myself, in this this season I learned so much for just just resting and present in today. So here are 3 tips on how rest in today!

  • Journal-

    Journaling can really bring your mind to a place of peace and who knows you may find creativity out of what you put down on paper.

  • Quiet Time-

    This type of time can look like many different ways depending on your preferences but, mine being in nature really allows me to rest in all body and soul.

  • Hobbies-

    I love to paint and love to draw that’s one of my many ways that I express my creativity and also its a stress reliever! Think of activities that you said you were going to accomplish but, never accomplish now is the time.


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